smarter, better solutions.

Waste Bin Fill-Level Sensors

Les capteurs intelligents IA, basés sur l’image et à ultrasons optimisent l’efficacité et améliorent la transparence du service. Discrets et pratiquement sans entretien, ces capteurs peuvent transformer n’importe quel conteneur en un appareil intelligent.

smart sensor value add

Through a unique combination of sensor hardware and analytics software, combined with customized reporting and a smartphone app, we provide transparency and insight to your waste management process like never before.

Optimiser les niveaux de service
Éliminer le débordement du bac
Tenir les fournisseurs responsables des services manqués
Ne payez que les ramassages dont vous avez besoin
Faites l'expérience d'un service client de niveau supérieur

waste bin sensor types

AI & Image Based Sensors

Eyes inside your recycling and waste container. Determine waste bin fill-levels, identify contamination, or catch illegal dumping, these smart sensors provide incredible transparency.

Ultra Sonic Sensors

Identify exactly when your pick-up happened and how full the waste container was at that time. Proactively manage overflow and missed pick-ups to improve operations in a big way.

waste metric software

Our robust cloud-based software platform pulls data from the sensors we have in the field.  Cross referencing this data with invoices and weight reports we can run industry leading analytics to improve transparency and provide reporting that you can trust.

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des années d'expérience
économisé pour nos clients
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évaluations complétées
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